Saturday, February 02, 2008
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Emma's First Birthday
Emma's birthday was October 26th and she had lots of fun! Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Jim came down, and we went with Emma's 2nd cousins Taylor and Kait and their Mommy Natalie to Chuck E. Cheese. The girls enjoyed watching the show and playing, and the big people did, too! On the 27th we went to Grandma and Grandpa Sharp's to visit. On the 28th she had her big party. About 50 people came to share her big day, and she was spoiled with lots of goodies. Everyone loved watching her smash her cake all over her face! Everything was perfect and we all had a great birthday weekend. We have a lot of special memories from her 1st year, and we look forward to every exciting, wonderful moment of her 2nd year!
Keep an eye out for more pictures in a few months!

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Emma's Twelfth Month
Back home in Indiana! We (finally) moved to Fishers on October 1st! We started the drive on September 29th and stopped in Georgia that night and Kentucky on the 30th. Emma slept quite a bit during the trip, and played with Mommy or had snacks to pass the rest of the time. She has acclimated well to her new home, but babyproofing is hard with boxes everywhere! We have finally put most things away, but it is still a work in progress! We are so happy to be back home. We love that we can see our family and friends any time we want.
Emma's first cold lasted 2 weeks. She had a runny nose and her eyes got really swollen for a few days, but otherwise she didn't seem to feel bad. We saw her pediatrician for the last time on the 28th. He said she is doing well, she weighs 19 lbs. (25th percentile) and her length is 29 in. (60th percentile). We will miss him, he was a great doctor! We see our new pediatrician for her 1 year shots on the 29th. Hopefully they will be as wonderful as Dr. Meyer! She learned 2 more signs, light and all done. She also learned to say eat ("Eee") and all done ("Ah da") when she is signing them. Now instead of saying "Uh oh" all the time it is "All Done"! She has been saying "Dat" for cat, dog, and duck, and now she can say fish ("Fsh")! She learned to make the doggie noise on the 7th and Grandma Sharp taught her to make the duck noise on the 13th. She does her noises very well! She tried whole milk for the first time on the 3rd and now drinks it 3 times a day. She only has breastmilk before bed. I am going to completely wean her from breastmilk after we get the OK from the doctor on the 29th. She eats a lot now! She is pretty picky, though. Of course, she loves anything sweet, so fruit isn't a problem. Meats and veggies don't go so well. I have been sneaking her veggies in the form of sweet potato and zucchini bread! Occasionally she will have a little meat, but I have been giving her peanut butter for protein lately. It is difficult to make sure she gets all the nutrition she needs, but I think we are doing pretty good. She now walks really well. She was only taking occasional steps last month, but on the 4th she walked across the entire living room! Once she realized she could do it, she has been all over the place. She is wobbly, but she is getting pretty fast! We went to Coulter's Pumpkin Patch in Westville with Grandma Sharp, Aunt Rachel, Uncle Tim, Grandma Debbie, Grandpa Jim, and Great-Grandpa J.J. on the 13th. She enjoyed looking at all the pumpkins. We tried a pony ride and but she was scared of it. Grandma Sharp taught her to blow kisses when we were leaving to come home. She still waves and says hi to everyone everywhere we go! She is such a sweet little girl and we are having a great time watching her learn and grow.

Friday, September 28, 2007
Emma's Eleventh Month

Emma learned how to point at things this month. If she wants something, now she can communicate it with us. She learned her second sign, eat, and tells us all the time that she is hungry!
She loves to cuddle with her blankie and with Mommy and Daddy. She said her 5th word, "Hi" on September 1st and waves and says hi to everyone she meets! She learned how to point to Mommy's nose and eyes. She said "Uh oh!" on the 4th and says it constantly now. She deliberately throws things just to have an excuse to say it! Our big day was the 5th when Emma took her first steps!!! She took 4 steps to Mommy and since then she has taken up to 6, but prefers to crawl for now. She only walks when she isn't trying, then drops to her knees as soon as she realizes it. She got her 3rd tooth on the 7th and 4th tooth on the 21st (top front). She does a huge smile with her eyes squinted to show them off. Emma and Mommy flew to Indiana (Emma's 5th trip up there by plane) for Uncle Tim's Confirmation. We were there the 7-17th. While we were there, she learned how to kick a ball. We also went to our first Purdue football game with Grandma Debbie, Grandpa Jim, Great-Grandpa J.J., Uncle Chad, and Tiffany. We watched Purdue beat Central Michigan by a landslide! Grandma Sharp taught her that a cat says "Meow" and she meows so good I think it really is Abby sometimes! She had macaroni and cheese and grilled cheese for the first time and loves them both! She loves to eat like a big girl. She has milk 4 times a day now, and 3 are in a cup. Unfortunately, Emma had her first cold at the end of this month. Just a runny nose, she was still herself playing and giggling as usual. We see Dr. Meyer for her last check-up before we move in a few days. Indiana, here we come!!
Labels: Emma
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Emma's Tenth Month

Labels: Emma
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Emma's Ninth Month

Labels: Emma
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Emma's Eighth Month
We had a big month this month! She learned to go from tummy to sitting at the beginning of the month. Jim's side of the family came to visit for a week to help us get the house ready to sell. While they were here, we went to the zoo and rode the Merry-Go-Round, went to Busch Gardens, and rode on our neighbor's boat. She got her first tooth on June 4th! She learned how to crawl the next day! It didn't take her very long to get really fast-she keeps me very busy chasing after her! She has tried some finger foods this month, mostly by me feeding her, but she is learning to grab things on her own, too. She doesn't have the pincer grasp yet so she rakes her hands over things and has a hard time getting them in her mouth. She practices drinking water from her sippy cup every day, but she doesn't quite get that yet so I have to tip it up for her. Jim had his first Father's Day, unfortunately it was spent mostly working on the house because we listed it the next day. He did get to take a nice nap with her and play with her a lot, and we plan to go out for a nice belated Father's Day dinner soon. Emma also learned how to dance this month. This is my favorite thing she does now. She has pretty good rhythm, too! On the 20th, Emma and I went to Indiana for a week to visit the family. We watched four of Uncle Tim's baseball games, visited lots of family and friends, went to a graduation party, swam in Grandma and Grandpa Sharp's pool, and took Aunt Rachel to Purdue to check out the campus. We hope she will decide to go there next year! It was fun to visit the campus again and show Emma where Daddy and Mommy met.
While we were visiting Great-Grandma Rudy on the 22nd, Emma pulled herself up to the couch! Within a few days, she was pulling herself up to everything. Her second tooth popped in on the 24th while we were home, too. We hated to leave Daddy behind, but with Emma growing so fast we had to show off all she can do! Jim and I joked before we left that she would probably learn something new while we were away from him, and she did! We don't see the Pediatrician again until the end of July, but we weighed her at home and she weighed a little over 18 lbs. and was about 27 1/2 in. long. We have had a very fun month with her and we hope we will get to move home soon so we can share everything with the family.

Labels: Emma
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Emma's Seventh Month

Labels: Emma
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Emma's Sixth Month

Monday, March 26, 2007
Emma's Fifth Month
Emma now pushes her entire body up while on her tummy. She rolls from her back to her tummy all the time. She sleeps on her tummy now, too. If you try to flip her back, she goes right back to her tummy! She scoots her upper body around to follow things and reach for toys. She squeals when she is happy and babbles a lot.

Her teething is getting more painful now, she chews on things alot and sucks on her lower lip. She really started watching us eat and drink. She especially loves water bottles. She reaches out for them, opens her mouth and leans in to have a sip. Of course when she takes a sip it ends up down the front of her shirt, so we usually just pretend! She started grabbing my face with both hands and nuzzling when she is tired, which of course melts my heart. She still loves bath time and now kicks her feet in the tub to splash. We saw the Pediatrician on the 14th and she weighed 14 lbs. 9 1/2 oz. and was 26 in. long. When she was born, she was in the 80th percentile for both weight and length, now she is in the 60th for weight and the 90th for length. Maybe she will be a basketball player like Uncle Tim!
The doctor told us we can start cereal, so Emma had rice cereal for the first time on the 16th! She had it all over her face on the first day, but by day two she gobbled it up. She also tried oatmeal and bananas and loves those, too. After our Indiana visit, Grandma Debbie came to visit us on the 26th. She said she couldn't resist now that she is eating fruit and cereal! Emma is such a big girl and changing all the time. Soon her little teeth will poke through and she will be crawling!
Labels: Emma
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Indiana Visit March 2007

Labels: Emma
Friday, March 02, 2007
Emma's Fourth Month

Labels: Emma
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Emma's Third Month

Labels: Emma
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Indiana for the Holidays

We spent 3 1/2 weeks with our family and friends over the holidays. We left for Indiana on December 12 and returned to Florida on January 3. We stopped in Georgia and Tennessee for the night on the way there, and in Kentucky and Georgia on the way back. At 10 weeks old, Emma has been in 7 states! Our cat, Abby, even came along for this trip! The cat isn't much of a traveler, but Emma did just fine. She slept most of the time in the car, and despite a chaotic schedule most of the time during our visit, she did very well. She got to meet almost everyone that had yet to meet her. She was Baptized at St. Peter Church, where we were married, on December 23. Her Christening gown was made from my wedding gown. Our close friends, Andy Chopp and Jenni Kosinski are her godparents. Of course she was spoiled with gifts for Christmas, and loved to admire everyone's Christmas lights. She especially loved the lights in the Opryland Hotel on the way up. New Year's Eve was spent at Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Jim's. She enjoyed the evening, except for the noisemakers at midnight! We had a wonderful time for the holidays, but we were all pretty exhausted. We were ready to get back home and back to our routine!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Emma's Second Month

Labels: Emma
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Emma is 1 month old!
Emma is already one month old! Here are the rest of the pictures from her first month:

Check back after Christmas for more pictures!

Check back after Christmas for more pictures!
Labels: Emma