Emma's Sixth Month
Half a year already! We can’t believe how time has flown. We celebrated our first Easter as a family, and Emma loved cuddling up on the fuzzy Easter Bunny's lap. She has learned some exciting new things this month. She can sit pretty much on her own. She just needs to work on her balance, and in the meantime, we surround her with pillows! Now that she can roll both ways, she rolls over and over to get around the living room. Now that she is mobile, child-proofing the house has been important. Since we are hoping to sell our house this year and move to Indy, my child-proofing has been to pack up anything she can’t get into and put it in storage! She loves bath time more than ever. She can sit up in the tub and likes to splash with her hands and squeal. Her teeth are still not through, but I can feel the bumps. I think she is getting used to it because she doesn’t cry about them anymore. She always has her tongue out to rub on her gums. It’s pretty cute. She is eating three solid meals a day now, cereal in the morning, fruit for lunch, and a veggie for dinner. She isn’t picky so far, except for green beans which make her gag. She says “Mmmm” with every bite, which is my fault. When she first started solids, I was saying “Mmmm” as I fed her without even realizing it. Now she thinks that is what she is supposed to do! We think it’s funny so we egg her on. We gave her a sippy cup with water for the first time to see if she was interested but she isn’t quite ready for it yet. We saw the Pediatrician on the 16th and she weighed 15 lbs. 15 oz. and was 27 in. long (still in the 60th percentile for weight and the 90th for length). Our only problem is with falling asleep. She has been sleeping through the night for about three months, but falling asleep is a nightmare. She cries and fights like crazy when I put her down for her three naps and bedtime. We are working on it and it has gotten better, but I guess she doesn’t want to miss anything! We are really enjoying her right now, she is lots of fun to play with and has such a cute personality.
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